Source code for openreview.openreview

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    string_types = [str, unicode]
    string_types = [str]

from . import tools
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
import pprint
import os
import re
import jwt
import traceback

class OpenReviewException(Exception):

class LogRetry(Retry):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)   

    def increment(self, method=None, url=None, response=None, error=None, _pool=None, _stacktrace=None):
        # Log retry information before calling the parent class method
        print(f"Retrying request: {method} {url}, response: {response}, error: {error}")

        # Call the parent class method to perform the actual retry increment
        return super().increment(method=method, url=url, response=response, error=error, _pool=_pool, _stacktrace=_stacktrace)
[docs] class Client(object): """ :param baseurl: URL to the host, example: (should be replaced by 'host' name). If none is provided, it defaults to the environment variable `OPENREVIEW_BASEURL` :type baseurl: str, optional :param username: OpenReview username. If none is provided, it defaults to the environment variable `OPENREVIEW_USERNAME` :type username: str, optional :param password: OpenReview password. If none is provided, it defaults to the environment variable `OPENREVIEW_PASSWORD` :type password: str, optional :param token: Session token. This token can be provided instead of the username and password if the user had already logged in :type token: str, optional :param tokenExpiresIn: Time in seconds before the token expires. This parameter only works when providing a username and a password. If none is set, the value will be set automatically to one day. The max value that it can be set to is 1 week. :type expiresIn: number, optional """ def __init__(self, baseurl = None, username = None, password = None, token= None, tokenExpiresIn=None): self.baseurl = baseurl if not self.baseurl: self.baseurl = os.environ.get('OPENREVIEW_BASEURL', 'http://localhost:3000') self.groups_url = self.baseurl + '/groups' self.login_url = self.baseurl + '/login' self.register_url = self.baseurl + '/register' self.invitations_url = self.baseurl + '/invitations' self.mail_url = self.baseurl + '/mail' self.notes_url = self.baseurl + '/notes' self.tags_url = self.baseurl + '/tags' self.edges_url = self.baseurl + '/edges' self.bulk_edges_url = self.baseurl + '/edges/bulk' self.edges_count_url = self.baseurl + '/edges/count' self.edges_rename = self.baseurl + '/edges/rename' self.profiles_url = self.baseurl + '/profiles' self.profiles_search_url = self.baseurl + '/profiles/search' self.profiles_merge_url = self.baseurl + '/profiles/merge' self.profiles_rename = self.baseurl + '/profiles/rename' self.profiles_moderate = self.baseurl + '/profile/moderate' self.reference_url = self.baseurl + '/references' self.tilde_url = self.baseurl + '/tildeusername' self.pdf_url = self.baseurl + '/pdf' self.pdf_revisions_url = self.baseurl + '/references/pdf' self.messages_url = self.baseurl + '/messages' self.messages_direct_url = self.baseurl + '/messages/direct' self.process_logs_url = self.baseurl + '/logs/process' self.jobs_status = self.baseurl + '/jobs/status' self.institutions_url = self.baseurl + '/settings/institutions' self.venues_url = self.baseurl + '/venues' self.note_edits_url = self.baseurl + '/notes/edits' self.invitation_edits_url = self.baseurl + '/invitations/edits' self.infer_notes_url = self.baseurl + '/notes/infer' self.user_agent = 'OpenReviewPy/v' + str(sys.version_info[0]) self.limit = 1000 self.token = token.replace('Bearer ', '') if token else None self.profile = None self.user = None self.headers = { 'User-Agent': self.user_agent, 'Accept': 'application/json', } retry_strategy = LogRetry(total=3, backoff_factor=0.1, status_forcelist=[ 500, 502, 503, 504 ], respect_retry_after_header=False) self.session = requests.Session() adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) self.session.mount('https://', adapter) self.session.mount('http://', adapter) if self.token: self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.token self.user = jwt.decode(self.token, options={"verify_signature": False}) try: self.profile = self.get_profile() except: self.profile = None else: if not username: username = os.environ.get('OPENREVIEW_USERNAME') if not password: password = os.environ.get('OPENREVIEW_PASSWORD') if username or password: self.login_user(username, password, expiresIn=tokenExpiresIn) ## PRIVATE FUNCTIONS def __handle_token(self, response): self.token = str(response['token']) self.profile = Profile( id = response['user']['profile']['id'] ) self.headers['Authorization'] ='Bearer ' + self.token self.user = jwt.decode(self.token, options={"verify_signature": False}) return response def __handle_response(self,response): try: response.raise_for_status() return response except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: if 'application/json' in response.headers.get('Content-Type'): error = response.json() elif response.text: error = { 'name': 'Error', 'message': response.text } else: error = { 'name': 'Error', 'message': response.reason } raise OpenReviewException(error) ## PUBLIC FUNCTIONS def impersonate(self, group_id): response = + '/impersonate', json={ 'groupId': group_id }, headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) json_response = response.json() self.__handle_token(json_response) return json_response
[docs] def login_user(self,username=None, password=None, expiresIn=None): """ Logs in a registered user :param username: OpenReview username :type username: str, optional :param password: OpenReview password :type password: str, optional :param expiresIn: Time in seconds before the token expires. If none is set the value will be set automatically to one hour. The max value that it can be set to is 1 week. :type expiresIn: number, optional :return: Dictionary containing user information and the authentication token :rtype: dict """ user = { 'id': username, 'password': password, 'expiresIn': expiresIn } response =, headers=self.headers, json=user) response = self.__handle_response(response) json_response = response.json() self.__handle_token(json_response) return json_response
[docs] def register_user(self, email = None, fullname = None, password = None): """ Registers a new user :param email: email that will be used as id to log in after the user is registered :type email: str, optional :param fullname: Full name of the user :type fullname: str, optional :param password: Password used to log into OpenReview :type password: str, optional :return: Dictionary containing the new user information including his id, username, email(s), readers, writers, etc. :rtype: dict """ register_payload = { 'email': email, 'fullname': fullname, 'password': password } response =, json = register_payload, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def activate_user(self, token, content): """ Activates a newly registered user :param token: Activation token. If running in localhost, use email as token :type token: str :param content: Content of the profile to activate :type content: dict :return: Dictionary containing user information and the authentication token :rtype: dict Example: >>> res = client.activate_user('', { 'names': [ { 'fullname': 'New User', 'username': '~New_User1' } ], 'emails': [''], 'preferredEmail': '' }) """ response = self.session.put(self.baseurl + '/activate/' + token, json = { 'content': content }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) json_response = response.json() self.__handle_token(json_response) return json_response
def get_activatable(self, token = None): response = self.session.get(self.baseurl + '/activatable/' + token, params = {}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) self.__handle_token(response.json()['activatable']) return self.token
[docs] def get_institutions(self, id=None, domain=None): """ Get a single Institution by id or domain if available :param id: id of the Institution as saved in the database :type id: str :param domain: domain of the Institution :type domain: str :return: Dictionary with the Institution information :rtype: dict Example: >>> institution = client.get_institutions(domain='') """ params = {} if id: params['id'] = id if domain: params['domain'] = domain response = self.session.get(self.institutions_url, params = tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def get_group(self, id, details=None): """ Get a single Group by id if available :param id: id of the group :type id: str :return: Dictionary with the group information :rtype: Group Example: >>> group = client.get_group('') """ response = self.session.get(self.groups_url, params = {'id': id, 'details': details}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) g = response.json()['groups'][0] return Group.from_json(g)
[docs] def get_invitation(self, id): """ Get a single invitation by id if available :param id: id of the invitation :type id: str :return: Invitation matching the passed id :rtype: Invitation """ response = self.session.get(self.invitations_url, params = {'id': id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) i = response.json()['invitations'][0] return Invitation.from_json(i)
[docs] def get_note(self, id): """ Get a single Note by id if available :param id: id of the note :type id: str :return: Note matching the passed id :rtype: Note """ response = self.session.get(self.notes_url, params = {'id':id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) n = response.json()['notes'][0] return Note.from_json(n)
[docs] def get_tag(self, id): """ Get a single Tag by id if available :param id: id of the Tag :type id: str :return: Tag with the Tag information :rtype: Tag """ response = self.session.get(self.tags_url, params = {'id': id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) t = response.json()['tags'][0] return Tag.from_json(t)
[docs] def get_edge(self, id): """ Get a single Edge by id if available :param id: id of the Edge :type id: str return: Edge object with its information :rtype: Edge """ response = self.session.get(self.edges_url, params = {'id': id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) edges = response.json()['edges'] if edges: return Edge.from_json(edges[0]) else: raise OpenReviewException('Edge not found')
[docs] def get_profile(self, email_or_id = None): """ Get a single Profile by id, if available :param email_or_id: e-mail confirmed or id of the profile :type email_or_id: str, optional :return: Profile object with its information :rtype: Profile """ params = {} if email_or_id: tildematch = re.compile('~.+') if tildematch.match(email_or_id): att = 'id' else: att = 'confirmedEmail' params[att] = email_or_id response = self.session.get(self.profiles_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) profiles = response.json()['profiles'] if profiles: return Profile.from_json(profiles[0]) else: raise OpenReviewException(['Profile Not Found'])
[docs] def search_profiles(self, confirmedEmails = None, emails = None, ids = None, term = None, first = None, middle = None, last = None, fullname=None, relation=None, use_ES = False): """ Gets a list of profiles using either their ids or corresponding emails :param confirmedEmails: List of confirmed emails registered in OpenReview :type confirmedEmails: list, optional :param emails: List of emails registered in OpenReview :type emails: list, optional :param ids: List of OpenReview username ids :type ids: list, optional :param term: Substring in the username or e-mail to be searched :type term: str, optional :param first: First name of user :type first: str, optional :param middle: Middle name of user :type middle: str, optional :param last: Last name of user :type last: str, optional :return: List of profiles, if emails is present then a dictionary of { email: profiles } is returned. If confirmedEmails is present then a dictionary of { email: profile } is returned :rtype: list[Profile] """ def batches(items, batch_size=1000): batch = [] for item in items: if len(batch) == batch_size: yield batch batch = [] batch.append(item) if batch: yield batch if term: response = self.session.get(self.profiles_search_url, params = { 'term': term, 'es': 'true' if use_ES else 'false' }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Profile.from_json(p) for p in response.json()['profiles']] if fullname: response = self.session.get(self.profiles_search_url, params = { 'fullname': fullname, 'es': 'true' if use_ES else 'false' }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Profile.from_json(p) for p in response.json()['profiles']] if emails: full_response = [] for email_batch in batches(emails): response =, json = {'emails': email_batch}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) full_response.extend(response.json()['profiles']) profiles_by_email = {} for p in full_response: if p['email'] not in profiles_by_email: profiles_by_email[p['email']] = [] profiles_by_email[p['email']].append(Profile.from_json(p)) return profiles_by_email if confirmedEmails: full_response = [] for email_batch in batches(confirmedEmails): response =, json = {'emails': email_batch}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) full_response.extend(response.json()['profiles']) profiles_by_email = {} for p in full_response: profile = Profile.from_json(p) if p['email'] in profile.content['emailsConfirmed']: profiles_by_email[p['email']] = profile return profiles_by_email if ids: full_response = [] for id_batch in batches(ids): response =, json = {'ids': id_batch}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) full_response.extend(response.json()['profiles']) return [Profile.from_json(p) for p in full_response] if first or middle or last: response = self.session.get(self.profiles_search_url, params = {'first': first, 'middle': middle, 'last': last, 'es': 'true' if use_ES else 'false'}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Profile.from_json(p) for p in response.json()['profiles']] if relation: response = self.session.get(self.profiles_url, params = {'relation': relation }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Profile.from_json(p) for p in response.json()['profiles']] return []
[docs] def get_pdf(self, id, is_reference=False): """ Gets the binary content of a pdf using the provided note/reference id If the pdf is not found then this returns an error message with "status":404. Use the note id when trying to get the latest pdf version and reference id when trying to get a previous version of the pdf :param id: Note id or Reference id of the pdf :type id: str :param is_reference: Indicates that the passed id is a reference id instead of a note id :type is_reference: bool, optional :return: The binary content of a pdf :rtype: bytes Example: >>> f = get_pdf(id='Place Note-ID here') >>> with open('output.pdf','wb') as op: op.write(f) """ params = {} params['id'] = id headers = self.headers.copy() headers['content-type'] = 'application/pdf' url = self.pdf_revisions_url if is_reference else self.pdf_url response = self.session.get(url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.content
[docs] def get_attachment(self, id, field_name): """ Gets the binary content of a attachment using the provided note id If the pdf is not found then this returns an error message with "status":404. :param id: Note id or Reference id of the pdf :type id: str :param field_name: name of the field associated with the attachment file :type field_name: str :return: The binary content of a pdf :rtype: bytes Example: >>> f = get_attachment(id='Place Note-ID here', field_name='pdf') >>> with open('output.pdf','wb') as op: op.write(f) """ response = self.session.get(self.baseurl + '/attachment', params = { 'id': id, 'name': field_name }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.content
[docs] def get_venues(self, id=None, ids=None, invitations=None): """ Gets list of Note objects based on the filters provided. The Notes that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: a Venue ID. If provided, returns Notes whose ID matches the given ID. :type id: str, optional :param ids: A list of Venue IDs. If provided, returns Notes containing these IDs. :type ids: list, optional :param invitations: A list of Invitation IDs. If provided, returns Venues whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitations: list, optional :return: List of Venues :rtype: list[dict] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if ids is not None: params['ids'] = ','.join(ids) if invitations is not None: params['invitations'] = ','.join(invitations) response = self.session.get(self.venues_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()['venues']
[docs] def put_attachment(self, file_path, invitation, name): """ Uploads a file to the openreview server :param file: Path to the file :type file: str :param invitation: Invitation of the note that required the attachment :type file: str :param file: name of the note field to save the attachment url :type file: str :return: A relative URL for the uploaded file :rtype: str """ headers = self.headers.copy() with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: response = self.session.put(self.baseurl + '/attachment', files=( ('invitationId', (None, invitation)), ('name', (None, name)), ('file', (file_path, f)), ), headers = headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()['url']
[docs] def post_profile(self, profile): """ Updates a Profile :param profile: Profile object :type profile: Profile :return: The new updated Profile :rtype: Profile """ response = self.profiles_url, json = profile.to_json(), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Profile.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def rename_profile(self, current_id, new_id): """ Updates a Profile :param profile: Profile object :type profile: Profile :return: The new updated Profile :rtype: Profile """ response = self.profiles_rename, json = { 'currentId': current_id, 'newId': new_id }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Profile.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def merge_profiles(self, profileTo, profileFrom): """ Merges two Profiles :param profileTo: Profile object to merge to :type profileTo: Profile :param profileFrom: Profile object to merge from (this profile will be deleted) :type: profileFrom: Profile :return: The new updated Profile :rtype: Profile """ response = self.profiles_merge_url, json = { 'to': profileTo, 'from': profileFrom }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Profile.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def moderate_profile(self, profile_id, decision): """ Updates a Profile :param profile: Profile object :type profile: Profile :return: The new updated Profile :rtype: Profile """ response = self.profiles_moderate, json = { 'id': profile_id, 'decision': decision }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Profile.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def get_groups(self, id=None, ids=None, parent=None, regex=None, member=None, members=None, signatory=None, web=None, limit=None, offset=None, after=None, stream=None, sort=None, with_count=False, select=None): """ Gets list of Group objects based on the filters provided. The Groups that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: id of the Group :type id: str, optional :param ids: Group ids :type id: list, optional :param regex: Regex that matches several Group ids :type regex: str, optional :param member: Groups that contain this member :type member: str, optional :param signatory: Groups that contain this signatory :type signatory: str, optional :param web: Groups that contain a web field value :type web: bool, optional :param limit: Maximum amount of Groups that this method will return. The limit parameter can range between 0 and 1000 inclusive. If a bigger number is provided, only 1000 Groups will be returned :type limit: int, optional :param offset: Indicates the position to start retrieving Groups. For example, if there are 10 Groups and you want to obtain the last 3, then the offset would need to be 7. :type offset: int, optional :param select: Specific field of the group. Only this field would be returned for all the groups :type select: str, optional :return: List of Groups :rtype: list[Group] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if ids is not None: params['ids'] = ids if parent is not None: params['parent'] = parent if regex is not None: params['regex'] = regex if member is not None: params['member'] = member if members is not None: params['members'] = members if signatory is not None: params['signatory'] = signatory if web: params['web'] = web if select: params['select'] = select if after is not None: params['after'] = after if stream is not None: params['stream'] = stream if sort is not None: params['sort'] = sort if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset response = self.session.get(self.groups_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) groups = [Group.from_json(g) for g in response.json()['groups']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return groups, response.json()['count'] return groups
[docs] def get_all_groups(self, id=None, parent=None, regex=None, member=None, signatory=None, web=None, sort=None, with_count=False): """ Gets list of Group objects based on the filters provided. The Groups that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: id of the Group :type id: str, optional :param parent: id of the parent Group :type parent: str, optional :param regex: Regex that matches several Group ids :type regex: str, optional :param member: Groups that contain this member :type member: str, optional :param signatory: Groups that contain this signatory :type signatory: str, optional :param web: Groups that contain a web field value :type web: bool, optional :param after: Group id to start getting the list of groups from. :type after: str, optional :return: List of Groups :rtype: list[Group] """ params = { 'stream': True } if id is not None: params['id'] = id if parent is not None: params['parent'] = parent if regex is not None: params['regex'] = regex if member is not None: params['member'] = member if signatory is not None: params['signatory'] = signatory if web is not None: params['web'] = web if sort is not None: params['sort'] = sort if with_count is not None: params['with_count'] = with_count return self.get_groups(**params)
[docs] def get_invitations(self, id=None, ids=None, invitee=None, replytoNote=None, replyForum=None, signature=None, note=None, regex=None, tags=None, limit=None, offset=None, after=None, minduedate=None, duedate=None, pastdue=None, replyto=None, details=None, expired=None, sort=None, super=None, with_count=False, select=None, type=None): """ Gets list of Invitation objects based on the filters provided. The Invitations that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: id of the Invitation :type id: str, optional :param ids: Comma separated Invitation IDs. If provided, returns invitations whose "id" value is any of the passed Invitation IDs. :type ids: str, optional :param invitee: Invitations that contain this invitee :type invitee: str, optional :param replytoNote: Invitations that contain this replytoNote :type replytoNote: str, optional :param replyForum: Invitations that contain this replyForum :type replyForum: str, optional :param signature: Invitations that contain this signature :type signature: optional :param note: Invitations that contain this note :type note: str, optional :param regex: Invitation ids that match this regex :type regex: str, optional :param tags: Invitations that contain these tags :type tags: Tag, optional :param int limit: Maximum amount of Invitations that this method will return. The limit parameter can range between 0 and 1000 inclusive. If a bigger number is provided, only 1000 Invitations will be returned :type limit: int, optional :param int offset: Indicates the position to start retrieving Invitations. For example, if there are 10 Invitations and you want to obtain the last 3, then the offset would need to be 7. :type offset: int, optional :param after: Invitation id to start getting the list of invitations from. :type after: str, optional :param minduedate: Invitations that have at least this value as due date :type minduedate: int, optional :param duedate: Invitations that contain this due date :type duedate: int, optional :param pastdue: Invitaions that are past due :type pastdue: bool, optional :param replyto: Invitations that contain this replyto :type replyto: optional :param details: TODO: What is a valid value for this field? :type details: dict, optional :param expired: If true, retrieves the Invitations that have expired, otherwise, the ones that have not expired :type expired: bool, optional :param select: Specific field of the group. Only this field would be returned for all the groups :type select: str, optional :return: List of Invitations :rtype: list[Invitation] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if ids is not None: params['ids'] = ids if invitee is not None: params['invitee'] = invitee if replytoNote is not None: params['replytoNote'] = replytoNote if replyForum is not None: params['replyForum'] = replyForum if signature is not None: params['signature'] = signature if note is not None: params['note']=note if regex is not None: params['regex'] = regex if tags is not None: params['tags'] = tags if minduedate is not None: params['minduedate'] = minduedate if super is not None: params['super'] = super if select is not None: params['select'] = select if replyto is not None: params['replyto'] = replyto if duedate is not None: params['duedate'] = duedate if pastdue is not None: params['pastdue'] = pastdue if details is not None: params['details'] = details if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset if after is not None: params['after'] = after if sort is not None: params['sort'] = sort if expired is not None: params['expired'] = expired if type is not None: params['type'] = type response = self.session.get(self.invitations_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) invitations = [Invitation.from_json(i) for i in response.json()['invitations']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return invitations, response.json()['count'] return invitations
[docs] def get_all_invitations(self, id=None, ids=None, invitee=None, replytoNote=None, replyForum=None, signature=None, note=None, regex=None, tags=None, minduedate=None, duedate=None, pastdue=None, replyto=None, details=None, expired=None, super=None, sort=None, with_count=False, type=None): """ Gets list of Invitation objects based on the filters provided. The Invitations that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: id of the Invitation :type id: str, optional :param ids: Comma separated Invitation IDs. If provided, returns invitations whose "id" value is any of the passed Invitation IDs. :type ids: str, optional :param invitee: Invitations that contain this invitee :type invitee: str, optional :param replytoNote: Invitations that contain this replytoNote :type replytoNote: str, optional :param replyForum: Invitations that contain this replyForum :type replyForum: str, optional :param signature: Invitations that contain this signature :type signature: optional :param note: Invitations that contain this note :type note: str, optional :param regex: Invitation ids that match this regex :type regex: str, optional :param tags: Invitations that contain these tags :type tags: Tag, optional :param minduedate: Invitations that have at least this value as due date :type minduedate: int, optional :param duedate: Invitations that contain this due date :type duedate: int, optional :param pastdue: Invitaions that are past due :type pastdue: bool, optional :param replyto: Invitations that contain this replyto :type replyto: optional :param details: TODO: What is a valid value for this field? :type details: dict, optional :param expired: If true, retrieves the Invitations that have expired, otherwise, the ones that have not expired :type expired: bool, optional :return: List of Invitations :rtype: list[Invitation] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if ids is not None: params['ids'] = ids if invitee is not None: params['invitee'] = invitee if replytoNote is not None: params['replytoNote'] = replytoNote if replyForum is not None: params['replyForum'] = replyForum if signature is not None: params['signature'] = signature if note is not None: params['note']=note if regex is not None: params['regex'] = regex if tags is not None: params['tags'] = tags if minduedate is not None: params['minduedate'] = minduedate if duedate is not None: params['duedate'] = duedate if pastdue is not None: params['pastdue'] = pastdue if replyto is not None: params['replyto'] = replyto if details is not None: params['details'] = details if expired is not None: params['expired'] = expired if super is not None: params['super'] = super if sort is not None: params['sort'] = sort if with_count is not None: params['with_count'] = with_count if type is not None: params['type'] = type return list(tools.efficient_iterget(self.get_invitations, desc='Getting V1 Invitations', **params))
[docs] def get_notes(self, id = None, paperhash = None, forum = None, original = None, invitation = None, replyto = None, tauthor = None, signature = None, signatures = None, writer = None, trash = None, number = None, content = None, limit = None, offset = None, after = None, mintcdate = None, details = None, sort = None, with_count=False, select=None ): """ Gets list of Note objects based on the filters provided. The Notes that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: a Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose ID matches the given ID. :type id: str, optional :param paperhash: A "paperhash" for a note. If provided, returns Notes whose paperhash matches this argument. (A paperhash is a human-interpretable string built from the Note's title and list of authors to uniquely identify the Note) :type paperhash: str, optional :param forum: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose forum matches the given ID. :type forum: str, optional :param original: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose original matches the given ID. :type original: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns Notes whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :param replyto: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose replyto field matches the given ID. :type replyto: str, optional :param tauthor: If provided, returns Notes whose true author is the user requesting the Notes. :type tauthor: bool, optional :param signature: A Group ID. If provided, returns Notes whose signatures field contains the given Group ID. :type signature: str, optional :param signatures: Group IDs. If provided, returns Notes whose signatures field contains the given Group IDs. :type signatures: list[str], optional :param writer: A Group ID. If provided, returns Notes whose writers field contains the given Group ID. :type writer: str, optional :param trash: If True, includes Notes that have been deleted (i.e. the ddate field is less than the current date) :type trash: bool, optional :param number: If present, includes Notes whose number field equals the given integer. :type number: int, optional :param content: If present, includes Notes whose each key is present in the content field and it is equals the given value. :type content: dict, optional :param limit: Maximum amount of Notes that this method will return. The limit parameter can range between 0 and 1000 inclusive. If a bigger number is provided, only 1000 Notes will be returned :type limit: int, optional :param offset: Indicates the position to start retrieving Notes. For example, if there are 10 Notes and you want to obtain the last 3, then the offset would need to be 7. :type offset: int, optional :param after: Note id to start getting the list of notes from. :type after: str, optional :param mintcdate: Represents an Epoch time timestamp, in milliseconds. If provided, returns Notes whose "true creation date" (tcdate) is at least equal to the value of mintcdate. :type mintcdate: int, optional :param details: Comma separated values of fields to add to details. Valid values are: replyCount: Number of replies in a forum. Only available if the Note is a forum. original: Include original Note if available. revisions: Boolean indicating whether the Note has revisions. writable: Boolean indicating whether the Note is writable by the user. originalWritable: Boolean indicating whether the original Note is writable by the user. tags: Tags of the Note. invitation: Invitation of the Note. originalInvitation: Invitation of the original Note. directReplyCount: Number of direct replies to the Note. directReplies: Direct replies to the Note. replies: Replies to the Note. Only available if the Note is a forum. :type details: str, optional :param sort: Sorts the output by field depending on the string passed. Possible values: number, cdate, ddate, tcdate, tmdate, replyCount (Invitation id needed in the invitation field). :type sort: str, optional :param select: Specific field of the group. Only this field would be returned for all the groups :type select: str, optional :return: List of Notes :rtype: list[Note] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if paperhash is not None: params['paperhash'] = paperhash if forum is not None: params['forum'] = forum if invitation is not None: params['invitation'] = invitation if replyto is not None: params['replyto'] = replyto if tauthor is not None: params['tauthor'] = tauthor if signature is not None: params['signature'] = signature if signatures is not None: params['signatures'] = signatures if writer is not None: params['writer'] = writer if trash == True: params['trash']=True if number is not None: params['number'] = number if content is not None: for k in content: params['content.' + k] = content[k] if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset if after is not None: params['after'] = after if mintcdate is not None: params['mintcdate'] = mintcdate if details is not None: params['details'] = details if select: params['select'] = select params['sort'] = sort params['original'] = original response = self.session.get(self.notes_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) notes = [Note.from_json(n) for n in response.json()['notes']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return notes, response.json()['count'] return [Note.from_json(n) for n in response.json()['notes']]
[docs] def get_all_notes(self, id = None, paperhash = None, forum = None, original = None, invitation = None, replyto = None, tauthor = None, signature = None, signatures = None, writer = None, trash = None, number = None, content = None, mintcdate = None, details = None, sort = None, select = None, with_count=False): """ Gets list of Note objects based on the filters provided. The Notes that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: a Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose ID matches the given ID. :type id: str, optional :param paperhash: A "paperhash" for a note. If provided, returns Notes whose paperhash matches this argument. (A paperhash is a human-interpretable string built from the Note's title and list of authors to uniquely identify the Note) :type paperhash: str, optional :param forum: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose forum matches the given ID. :type forum: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns Notes whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :param replyto: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose replyto field matches the given ID. :type replyto: str, optional :param signature: A Group ID. If provided, returns Notes whose signatures field contains the given Group ID. :type signature: str, optional :param signatures: Group IDs. If provided, returns Notes whose signatures field contains the given Group IDs. :type signatures: list[str], optional :param writer: A Group ID. If provided, returns Notes whose writers field contains the given Group ID. :type writer: str, optional :param trash: If True, includes Notes that have been deleted (i.e. the ddate field is less than the current date) :type trash: bool, optional :param number: If present, includes Notes whose number field equals the given integer. :type number: int, optional :param content: If present, includes Notes whose each key is present in the content field and it is equals the given value. :type content: dict, optional :param after: Note id to start getting the list of notes from. :type after: str, optional :param mintcdate: Represents an Epoch time timestamp, in milliseconds. If provided, returns Notes whose "true creation date" (tcdate) is at least equal to the value of mintcdate. :type mintcdate: int, optional :param details: Comma separated values of fields to add to details. Valid values are: replyCount: Number of replies in a forum. Only available if the Note is a forum. original: Include original Note if available. revisions: Boolean indicating whether the Note has revisions. writable: Boolean indicating whether the Note is writable by the user. originalWritable: Boolean indicating whether the original Note is writable by the user. tags: Tags of the Note. invitation: Invitation of the Note. originalInvitation: Invitation of the original Note. directReplyCount: Number of direct replies to the Note. directReplies: Direct replies to the Note. replies: Replies to the Note. Only available if the Note is a forum. :type details: optional :param sort: Sorts the output by field depending on the string passed. Possible values: number, cdate, ddate, tcdate, tmdate, replyCount (Invitation id needed in the invitation field). :type sort: str, optional :return: List of Notes :rtype: list[Note] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if paperhash is not None: params['paperhash'] = paperhash if forum is not None: params['forum'] = forum if original is not None: params['original'] = original if invitation is not None: params['invitation'] = invitation if replyto is not None: params['replyto'] = replyto if tauthor is not None: params['tauthor'] = tauthor if signature is not None: params['signature'] = signature if signatures is not None: params['signatures'] = signatures if writer is not None: params['writer'] = writer if trash == True: params['trash']=True if number is not None: params['number'] = number if content is not None: params['content'] = content if mintcdate is not None: params['mintcdate'] = mintcdate if details is not None: params['details'] = details if select: params['select'] = select if sort is not None: params['sort'] = sort if with_count: params['with_count'] = with_count return list(tools.efficient_iterget(self.get_notes, desc='Getting V1 Notes', **params))
[docs] def get_reference(self, id): """ Get a single reference by id if available :param id: id of the reference :type id: str :return: reference matching the passed id :rtype: Note """ response = self.session.get(self.reference_url, params = {'id':id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) n = response.json()['references'][0] return Note.from_json(n)
[docs] def get_references(self, referent = None, invitation = None, content = None, mintcdate = None, limit = None, offset = None, original = False, trash=None, with_count=False): """ Gets a list of revisions for a note. The revisions that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. Refer to the section of Mental Models and then click on Blind Submissions for more information. :param referent: A Note ID. If provided, returns references whose "referent" value is this Note ID. :type referent: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns references whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :param mintcdate: Represents an Epoch time timestamp, in milliseconds. If provided, returns references whose "true creation date" (tcdate) is at least equal to the value of mintcdate. :type mintcdate: int, optional :param bool original: If True then get_references will additionally return the references to the original note. :type offset: int, optional :type original: bool, optional :return: List of revisions :rtype: list[Note] """ params = {} if referent is not None: params['referent'] = referent if invitation is not None: params['invitation'] = invitation if mintcdate is not None: params['mintcdate'] = mintcdate if content is not None: for k in content: params['content.' + k] = content[k] if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset if original == True: params['original'] = "true" if trash: params['trash'] = trash response = self.session.get(self.reference_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) references = [Note.from_json(n) for n in response.json()['references']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return references, response.json()['count'] return references
[docs] def get_all_references(self, referent = None, invitation = None, content = None, mintcdate = None, limit = None, offset = None, original = False, trash=None, with_count=False): """ Gets a list of revisions for a note. The revisions that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. Refer to the section of Mental Models and then click on Blind Submissions for more information. :param referent: A Note ID. If provided, returns references whose "referent" value is this Note ID. :type referent: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns references whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :param mintcdate: Represents an Epoch time timestamp, in milliseconds. If provided, returns references whose "true creation date" (tcdate) is at least equal to the value of mintcdate. :type mintcdate: int, optional :param bool original: If True then get_references will additionally return the references to the original note. :type offset: int, optional :type original: bool, optional :return: List of revisions :rtype: list[Note] """ params = { 'referent': referent, 'invitation': invitation, 'content': content, 'mintcdate': mintcdate, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'original': original, 'trash': trash, 'with_count': with_count } return tools.concurrent_get(self, self.get_references, **params)
[docs] def get_tags(self, id = None, invitation = None, forum = None, signature = None, tag = None, limit = None, offset = None, with_count=False): """ Gets a list of Tag objects based on the filters provided. The Tags that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: A Tag ID. If provided, returns Tags whose ID matches the given ID. :type id: str, optional :param forum: A Note ID. If provided, returns Tags whose forum matches the given ID. :type forum: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns Tags whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :return: List of tags :rtype: list[Tag] """ params = {} if id is not None: params['id'] = id if forum is not None: params['forum'] = forum if invitation is not None: params['invitation'] = invitation if signature is not None: params['signature'] = signature if tag is not None: params['tag'] = tag if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset response = self.session.get(self.tags_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) tags = [Tag.from_json(t) for t in response.json()['tags']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return tags, response.json()['count'] return tags
[docs] def get_all_tags(self, id = None, invitation = None, forum = None, signature = None, tag = None, limit = None, offset = None, with_count=False): """ Gets a list of Tag objects based on the filters provided. The Tags that will be returned match all the criteria passed in the parameters. :param id: A Tag ID. If provided, returns Tags whose ID matches the given ID. :type id: str, optional :param forum: A Note ID. If provided, returns Tags whose forum matches the given ID. :type forum: str, optional :param invitation: An Invitation ID. If provided, returns Tags whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :type invitation: str, optional :return: List of tags :rtype: list[Tag] """ params = { 'id': id, 'invitation': invitation, 'forum': forum, 'signature': signature, 'tag': tag, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'with_count': with_count } return tools.concurrent_get(self, self.get_tags, **params)
[docs] def get_edges(self, id = None, invitation = None, head = None, tail = None, label = None, limit = None, offset = None, sort = None, with_count=False, trash = None): """ Returns a list of Edge objects based on the filters provided. :arg id: a Edge ID. If provided, returns Edge whose ID matches the given ID. :arg invitation: an Invitation ID. If provided, returns Edges whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :arg head: Profile ID of the Profile that is connected to the Note ID in tail :arg tail: Note ID of the Note that is connected to the Profile ID in head :arg label: Label ID of the match """ params = {} params['id'] = id params['invitation'] = invitation params['head'] = head params['tail'] = tail params['label'] = label params['limit'] = limit params['offset'] = offset params['sort'] = sort params['trash'] = trash response = self.session.get(self.edges_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) edges = [Edge.from_json(e) for e in response.json()['edges']] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return edges, response.json()['count'] return edges
[docs] def get_all_edges(self, id = None, invitation = None, head = None, tail = None, label = None, limit = None, offset = None, sort = None, with_count=False, trash = None): """ Returns a list of Edge objects based on the filters provided. :arg id: a Edge ID. If provided, returns Edge whose ID matches the given ID. :arg invitation: an Invitation ID. If provided, returns Edges whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :arg head: Profile ID of the Profile that is connected to the Note ID in tail :arg tail: Note ID of the Note that is connected to the Profile ID in head :arg label: Label ID of the match """ params = { 'id': id, 'invitation': invitation, 'head': head, 'tail': tail, 'label': label, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'sort': sort, 'with_count': with_count, 'trash': trash } return tools.concurrent_get(self, self.get_edges, **params)
[docs] def get_edges_count(self, id = None, invitation = None, head = None, tail = None, label = None): """ Returns a list of Edge objects based on the filters provided. :arg id: a Edge ID. If provided, returns Edge whose ID matches the given ID. :arg invitation: an Invitation ID. If provided, returns Edges whose "invitation" field is this Invitation ID. :arg head: Profile ID of the Profile that is connected to the Note ID in tail :arg tail: Note ID of the Note that is connected to the Profile ID in head :arg label: Label ID of the match """ params = {} params['id'] = id params['invitation'] = invitation params['head'] = head params['tail'] = tail params['label'] = label response = self.session.get(self.edges_count_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) count = response.json()['count'] return count
[docs] def get_grouped_edges(self, invitation=None, head=None, tail=None, label=None, groupby='head', select='tail', limit=None, offset=None): ''' Returns a list of JSON objects where each one represents a group of edges. For example calling this method with default arguments will give back a list of groups where each group is of the form: {id: {head: paper-1} values: [ {tail: user-1}, {tail: user-2} ]} Note: The limit applies to the number of groups returned. It does not apply to the number of edges within the groups. :param invitation: :param groupby: :param select: :param limit: :param offset: :return: ''' params = {} params['id'] = None params['invitation'] = invitation params['head'] = head params['tail'] = tail params['label'] = label params['groupBy'] = groupby params['select'] = select params['limit'] = limit params['offset'] = offset response = self.session.get(self.edges_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) json = response.json() return json['groupedEdges'] # a list of JSON objects holding information about an edge
[docs] def rename_edges(self, current_id, new_id): """ Updates an Edge :param profile: Edge object :type edge: Edge :return: The new updated Edge :rtype: Edge """ response = self.edges_rename, json = { 'currentId': current_id, 'newId': new_id }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) #print('RESPONSE: ', response.json()) received_json_array = response.json() edge_objects = [Edge.from_json(edge) for edge in received_json_array] return edge_objects
[docs] def post_institution(self, institution): """ Requires Super User permission. Adds an institution if the institution id is not found in the database, otherwise, the institution is updated. :param institution: institution to be posted :type institution: dict :return: The posted institution :rtype: dict """ response =, json = institution, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def post_group(self, group, overwrite = True): """ Posts the group. If the group is unsigned, signs it using the client's default signature. :param group: Group to be posted :type group: Group :param overwrite: Determines whether to overwrite an existing group or not :type overwrite: bool, optional :return: The posted Group :rtype: Group """ if overwrite or not self.exists( if not group.signatures: group.signatures = [] if not group.writers: group.writers = [] response =, json=group.to_json(), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Group.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def post_invitation(self, invitation): """ Posts the invitation. If the invitation is unsigned, signs it using the client's default signature. :param invitation: Invitation to be posted :type invitation: Invitation :return: The posted Invitation :rtype: Invitation """ response =, json = invitation.to_json(), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Invitation.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def post_note(self, note): """ Posts the note. If the note is unsigned, signs it using the client's default signature. :param note: Note to be posted :type note: Note :return: The posted Note :rtype: Note """ if not note.signatures: note.signatures = [] response =, json=note.to_json(), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Note.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def infer_note(self, note_id): """ Posts the note. If the note is unsigned, signs it using the client's default signature. :param note: Note to be posted :type note: Note :return: The posted Note :rtype: Note """ response =, json={ 'id': note_id }, headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Note.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def post_tag(self, tag): """ Posts the tag. If the tag is unsigned, signs it using the client's default signature. :param tag: Tag to be posted :type tag: Tag :return Tag: The posted Tag """ response =, json = tag.to_json(), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Tag.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def post_edge(self, edge): """ Posts the edge. Upon success, returns the posted Edge object. """ response =, json = edge.to_json(), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Edge.from_json(response.json())
[docs] def post_edges (self, edges): ''' Posts the list of Edges. Returns a list Edge objects updated with their ids. ''' send_json = [edge.to_json() for edge in edges] response =, json = send_json, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) received_json_array = response.json() edge_objects = [Edge.from_json(edge) for edge in received_json_array] return edge_objects
[docs] def post_venue(self, venue): """ Posts the venue. Upon success, returns the posted Venue object. """ response =, json=venue, headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def delete_edges(self, invitation, id=None, label=None, head=None, tail=None, wait_to_finish=False, soft_delete=False): """ Deletes edges by a combination of invitation id and one or more of the optional filters. :param invitation: an invitation ID :type invitation: str :param label: a matching label ID :type label: str, optional :param head: id of the edge head (head type defined by the edge invitation) :type head: str, optional :param tail: id of the edge tail (tail type defined by the edge invitation) :type tail: str, optional :param wait_to_finish: True if execution should pause until deletion of edges is finished :type wait_to_finish: bool, optional :return: a {status = 'ok'} in case of a successful deletion and an OpenReview exception otherwise :rtype: dict """ delete_query = {'invitation': invitation} if label: delete_query['label'] = label if head: delete_query['head'] = head if tail: delete_query['tail'] = tail if id: delete_query['id'] = id delete_query['waitToFinish'] = wait_to_finish delete_query['softDelete'] = soft_delete response = self.session.delete(self.edges_url, json = delete_query, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def delete_note(self, note_id): """ Deletes the note :param note_id: ID of Note to be deleted :type note_id: str :return: a {status = 'ok'} in case of a successful deletion and an OpenReview exception otherwise :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.delete(self.notes_url, json = {'id': note_id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def delete_profile_reference(self, reference_id): ''' Deletes the Profile Reference specified by `reference_id`. :param reference_id: ID of the Profile Reference to be deleted. :type reference_id: str :return: a {status = 'ok'} in case of a successful deletion and an OpenReview exception otherwise :rtype: dict ''' response = self.session.delete(self.profiles_url + '/reference', json = {'id': reference_id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def delete_group(self, group_id): """ Deletes the group :param group_id: ID of Group to be deleted :type group_id: str :return: a {status = 'ok'} in case of a successful deletion and an OpenReview exception otherwise :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.delete(self.groups_url, json = {'id': group_id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def delete_institution(self, institution_id): """ Deletes the institution :param institution_id: ID of Institution to be deleted :type institution_id: str :return: a {status = 'ok'} in case of a successful deletion and an OpenReview exception otherwise :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.delete(self.institutions_url + '/' + institution_id, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def post_message(self, subject, recipients, message, ignoreRecipients=None, sender=None, replyTo=None, parentGroup=None, useJob=False): """ Posts a message to the recipients and consequently sends them emails :param subject: Subject of the e-mail :type subject: str :param recipients: Recipients of the e-mail. Valid inputs would be tilde username or emails registered in OpenReview :type recipients: list[str] :param message: Message in the e-mail :type message: str :param ignoreRecipients: List of groups ids to be ignored from the recipient list :type subject: list[str] :param sender: Specify the from address and name of the email, the dictionary should have two keys: 'name' and 'email' :type sender: dict :param replyTo: e-mail address used when recipients reply to this message :type replyTo: str :param parentGroup: parent group recipients of e-mail belong to :type parentGroup: str :return: Contains the message that was sent to each Group :rtype: dict """ response =, json = { 'groups': recipients, 'subject': subject , 'message': message, 'ignoreGroups': ignoreRecipients, 'from': sender, 'replyTo': replyTo, 'parentGroup': parentGroup, 'useJob': useJob }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def post_direct_message(self, subject, recipients, message, sender=None): """ Posts a message to the recipients and consequently sends them emails :param subject: Subject of the e-mail :type subject: str :param recipients: Recipients of the e-mail. Valid inputs would be tilde username or emails registered in OpenReview :type recipients: list[str] :param message: Message in the e-mail :type message: str :return: Contains the message that was sent to each Group :rtype: dict """ response =, json = { 'groups': recipients, 'subject': subject , 'message': message, 'from': sender }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] def add_members_to_group(self, group, members): """ Adds members to a group :param group: Group (or Group's id) to which the members will be added :type group: Group or str :param members: Members that will be added to the group. Members should be in a string, unicode or a list format :type members: str, list, unicode :return: Group with the members added :rtype: Group """ def add_member(group, members): group_id = group if type(group) in string_types else if members: response = self.session.put(self.groups_url + '/members', json = {'id': group_id, 'members': members}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Group.from_json(response.json()) return group member_type = type(members) if member_type in string_types: return add_member(group, [members]) if member_type == list: return add_member(group, members) raise OpenReviewException("add_members_to_group()- members '"+str(members)+"' ("+str(member_type)+") must be a str, unicode or list, but got " + repr(member_type) + " instead")
[docs] def remove_members_from_group(self, group, members): """ Removes members from a group :param group: Group (or Group's id) from which the members will be removed :type group: Group or str :param members: Members that will be removed. Members should be in a string, unicode or a list format :type members: str, list, unicode :return: Group without the members that were removed :type: Group """ def remove_member(group, members): group_id = group if type(group) in string_types else response = self.session.delete(self.groups_url + '/members', json = {'id': group_id, 'members': members}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return Group.from_json(response.json()) member_type = type(members) if member_type in string_types: return remove_member(group, [members]) if member_type == list: return remove_member(group, members)
[docs] def search_notes(self, term, content = 'all', group = 'all', source='all', limit = None, offset = None): """ Searches notes based on term, content, group and source as the criteria. Unlike :meth:`~openreview.Client.get_notes`, this method uses Elasticsearch to retrieve the Notes :param term: Term used to look for the Notes :type term: str :param content: Specifies whether to look in all the content, authors, or keywords. Valid inputs: 'all', 'authors', 'keywords' :type content: str, optional :param group: Specifies under which Group to look. E.g. 'all', 'ICLR', 'UAI', etc. :type group: str, optional :param source: Whether to look in papers, replies or all :type source: str, optional :param limit: Maximum amount of Notes that this method will return. The limit parameter can range between 0 and 1000 inclusive. If a bigger number is provided, only 1000 Notes will be returned :type limit: int, optional :param offset: Indicates the position to start retrieving Notes. For example, if there are 10 Notes and you want to obtain the last 3, then the offset would need to be 7. :type offset: int, optional :return: List of notes :rtype: list[Note] """ params = { 'term': term, 'content': content, 'group': group, 'source': source } if limit is not None: params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset response = self.session.get(self.notes_url + '/search', params=tools.format_params(params), headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Note.from_json(n) for n in response.json()['notes']]
def get_notes_by_ids(self, ids): response = + '/search', json = { 'ids': ids }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return [Note.from_json(n) for n in response.json()['notes']]
[docs] def get_tildeusername(self, fullname): """ Gets next possible tilde user name corresponding to the specified full name :param fullname: Full name of the user :type fullname: str :return: next possible tilde user name corresponding to the specified full name :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.get(self.tilde_url, params = { 'fullname': fullname }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
def get_all_messages(self, to = None, subject = None, status = None): params = { 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'status': status } return tools.concurrent_get(self, self.get_messages, **params)
[docs] def get_messages(self, to = None, subject = None, status = None, offset = None, limit = None, with_count = False): """ **Only for Super User**. Retrieves all the messages sent to a list of usernames or emails and/or a particular e-mail subject :param to: Tilde user names or emails :type to: list[str], optional :param subject: Subject of the e-mail :type subject: str, optional :param status: Commad separated list of status values corresponding to the message: delivered, bounce, droppped, etc :type status: str, optional :return: Messages that match the passed parameters :rtype: dict """ params = { 'to': to, 'subject': subject, 'status': status, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit } response = self.session.get(self.messages_url, params=tools.format_params(params), headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) messages = response.json()['messages'] if with_count and params.get('offset') is None: return messages, response.json()['count'] return messages
[docs] def get_process_logs(self, id = None, invitation = None, status = None): """ **Only for Super User**. Retrieves the logs of the process function executed by an Invitation :param id: Note id :type id: str, optional :param invitation: Invitation id that executed the process function that produced the logs :type invitation: str, optional :return: Logs of the process :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.get(self.process_logs_url, params = { 'id': id, 'invitation': invitation, 'status': status }, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()['logs']
[docs] def get_jobs_status(self): """ **Only for Super User**. Retrieves the jobs status of the queue :return: Jobs status :rtype: dict """ response = self.session.get(self.jobs_status, headers=self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
def request_expertise(self, name, group_id, paper_invitation, alternate_match_group = None, exclusion_inv=None, model=None, baseurl=None): # Build entityA from group_id entityA = { 'type': 'Group', 'memberOf': group_id } if exclusion_inv and tools.get_invitation(self, exclusion_inv): expertise = { 'invitation': exclusion_inv } entityA['expertise'] = expertise # Build entityB from alternate_match_group or paper_invitation if alternate_match_group: entityB = { 'type': 'Group', 'memberOf': alternate_match_group } if exclusion_inv: expertise = { 'invitation': exclusion_inv } entityB['expertise'] = expertise else: entityB = { 'type': 'Note', 'invitation': paper_invitation } expertise_request = { 'name': name, 'entityA': entityA, 'entityB': entityB, 'model': { 'name': model } } base_url = baseurl if baseurl else self.baseurl response = + '/expertise', json = expertise_request, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json() def get_expertise_status(self, job_id, baseurl=None): base_url = baseurl if baseurl else self.baseurl response = self.session.get(base_url + '/expertise/status', params = {'jobId': job_id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json() def get_expertise_results(self, job_id, baseurl=None): base_url = baseurl if baseurl else self.baseurl response = self.session.get(base_url + '/expertise/results', params = {'jobId': job_id}, headers = self.headers) response = self.__handle_response(response) return response.json()
[docs] class Group(object): """ When a user is created, it is automatically assigned to certain groups that give him different privileges. A username is also a group, therefore, groups can be members of other groups. :param id: id of the Group :type id: str :param readers: List of readers in the Group, each reader is a Group id :type readers: list[str] :param writers: List of writers in the Group, each writer is a Group id :type writers: list[str] :param signatories: List of signatories in the Group, each writer is a Group id :type signatories: list[str] :param signatures: List of signatures in the Group, each signature is a Group id :type signatures: list[str] :param cdate: Creation date of the Group :type cdate: int, optional :param ddate: Deletion date of the Group :type ddate: int, optional :param tcdate: true creation date of the Group :type tcdate: int, optional :param tmdate: true modification date of the Group :type tmdate: int, optional :param members: List of members in the Group, each member is a Group id :type members: list[str], optional :param nonreaders: List of nonreaders in the Group, each nonreader is a Group id :type nonreaders: list[str], optional :param web: Path to a file that contains the webfield :type web: optional :param web_string: String containing the webfield for this Group :type web_string: str, optional :param details: :type details: optional """ def __init__(self, id, readers, writers, signatories, signatures, invitation=None, parent=None, cdate = None, ddate = None, tcdate=None, tmdate=None, members = None, nonreaders = None, impersonators=None, web = None, web_string=None, anonids= None, deanonymizers=None, host=None, domain=None, details = None): # post attributes self.parent = parent self.invitation=invitation self.cdate = cdate self.ddate = ddate self.tcdate = tcdate self.tmdate = tmdate self.writers = writers self.members = [] if members is None else members self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = [] if nonreaders is None else nonreaders self.signatures = signatures self.signatories = signatories self.anonids = anonids self.web=None self.impersonators = impersonators if web is not None: with open(web) as f: self.web = if web_string: self.web = web_string self.domain = domain self.anonids = anonids self.deanonymizers = deanonymizers = host self.details = details def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Group(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self))
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts Group instance to a dictionary. The instance variable names are the keys and their values the values of the dictinary. :return: Dictionary containing all the parameters of a Group instance :rtype: dict """ body = { 'id':, 'invitation': self.invitation, 'cdate': self.cdate, 'ddate': self.ddate, 'signatures': self.signatures, 'writers': self.writers, 'members': self.members, 'readers': self.readers, 'nonreaders': self.nonreaders, 'signatories': self.signatories, 'impersonators': self.impersonators, 'anonids': self.anonids, 'deanonymizers': self.deanonymizers, 'web': self.web, 'host':, 'details': self.details } return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(Group,g): """ Creates a Group object from a dictionary that contains keys values equivalent to the name of the instance variables of the Group class :param g: Dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the keys values are equivalent to the name of the instance variables in the Group class :type g: dict :return: Group whose instance variables contain the values from the dictionary :rtype: Group """ group = Group(g['id'], parent = g.get('parent'), invitation=g.get('invitation'), cdate = g.get('cdate'), ddate = g.get('ddate'), tcdate = g.get('tcdate'), tmdate = g.get('tmdate'), writers = g.get('writers'), members = g.get('members'), readers = g.get('readers'), nonreaders = g.get('nonreaders'), signatories = g.get('signatories'), signatures = g.get('signatures'), anonids=g.get('anonids'), deanonymizers=g.get('deanonymizers'), impersonators=g.get('impersonators'), host=g.get('host'), domain=g.get('domain'), details = g.get('details')) if 'web' in g: group.web = g['web'] return group
[docs] def add_member(self, member): """ Adds a member to the group. This is done only on the object not in OpenReview. Another method like :meth:`` is needed for the change to show in OpenReview :param member: Member to add to the group :type member: str :return: Group with the new member added :rtype: Group """ if type(member) is Group: self.members.append( else: self.members.append(str(member)) return self
[docs] def remove_member(self, member): """ Removes a member from the group. This is done only on the object not in OpenReview. Another method like :meth:`` is needed for the change to show in OpenReview :param member: Member to remove from the group :type member: str :return: Group after the member was removed :rtype: Group """ if type(member) is Group: try: self.members.remove( except(ValueError): pass else: try: self.members.remove(str(member)) except(ValueError): pass return self
[docs] def add_webfield(self, web): """ Adds a webfield to the group :param web: Path to the file that contains the webfield :type web: str """ with open(web) as f: self.web =
[docs] def post(self, client): """ Posts a group to OpenReview :param client: Client that will post the Group :type client: Client """ client.post_group(self)
[docs] class Invitation(object): """ :param id: Invitation id :type id: str :param readers: List of readers in the Invitation, each reader is a Group id :type readers: list[str], optional :param writers: List of writers in the Invitation, each writer is a Group id :type writers: list[str], optional :param invitees: List of invitees in the Invitation, each invitee is a Group id :type invitees: list[str], optional :param signatures: List of signatures in the Invitation, each signature is a Group id :type signatures: list[str], optional :param reply: Template of the Note that will be created :type reply: dict, optional :param super: Parent Invitation id :type super: str, optional :param noninvitees: List of noninvitees in the Invitation, each noninvitee is a Group id :type noninvitees: list[str], optional :param nonreaders: List of nonreaders in the Invitation, each nonreader is a Group id :type nonreaders: list[str], optional :param web: Path to a file containing a webfield :type web: str, optional :param web_string: String containing the webfield :type web_string: str, optional :param process: Path to a file containing the process function :type process: str, optional :param process_string: String containing the process function :type process_string: str, optional :param duedate: Due date :type duedate: int, optional :param expdate: Expiration date :type expdate: int, optional :param cdate: Creation date :type cdate: int, optional :param ddate: Deletion date :type ddate: int, optional :param tcdate: True creation date :type tcdate: int, optional :param tmdate: Modification date :type tmdate: int, optional :param multiReply: If true, allows for multiple Notes created from this Invitation (e.g. comments in a forum), otherwise, only one Note may be created (e.g. paper submission) :type multiReply: bool, optional :param taskCompletionCount: Keeps count of the number of times the Invitation has been used :type taskCompletionCount: int, optional :param transform: Path to a file that contains the transform function :type transform: str, optional :param details: :type details: dict, optional """ def __init__(self, id = None, readers = None, writers = None, invitees = None, signatures = None, reply = None, edit = None, super = None, noninvitees = None, nonreaders = None, web = None, web_string = None, process = None, process_string = None, preprocess = None, duedate = None, expdate = None, cdate = None, ddate = None, tcdate = None, tmdate = None, multiReply = None, taskCompletionCount = None, transform = None, bulk = None, reply_forum_views = [], responseArchiveDate = None, details = None): = id self.super = super self.cdate = cdate self.ddate = ddate self.duedate = duedate self.expdate = expdate self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = nonreaders self.writers = writers self.invitees = invitees self.noninvitees = noninvitees self.signatures = signatures self.multiReply = multiReply self.taskCompletionCount = taskCompletionCount self.reply = reply self.edit = edit self.tcdate = tcdate self.tmdate = tmdate self.bulk = bulk self.details = details self.reply_forum_views = reply_forum_views self.responseArchiveDate = responseArchiveDate self.web = None self.process = None self.preprocess = None if web is not None: with open(web) as f: self.web = if process is not None: with open(process) as f: self.process = self.transform = None if transform is not None: with open(transform) as f: self.transform = if process_string: self.process = process_string if web_string: self.web = web_string if preprocess is not None: self.preprocess=preprocess def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Invitation(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self))
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts Invitation instance to a dictionary. The instance variable names are the keys and their values the values of the dictinary. :return: Dictionary containing all the parameters of a Invitation instance :rtype: dict """ body = { 'id':, 'cdate': self.cdate, 'ddate': self.ddate, 'tcdate': self.tcdate, 'tmdate': self.tmdate, 'duedate': self.duedate, 'expdate': self.expdate, 'readers': self.readers, 'nonreaders': self.nonreaders, 'writers': self.writers, 'invitees': self.invitees, 'noninvitees': self.noninvitees, 'signatures': self.signatures, 'multiReply': self.multiReply, 'transform': self.transform, 'replyForumViews': self.reply_forum_views, 'responseArchiveDate': self.responseArchiveDate } if self.super: body['super']=self.super if self.taskCompletionCount: body['taskCompletionCount']=self.taskCompletionCount if self.web: body['web']=self.web if self.process: body['process']=self.process if self.edit is not None: body['edit']=self.edit if self.reply is not None: body['reply']=self.reply if self.bulk is not None: body['bulk']=self.bulk if hasattr(self,'preprocess'): body['preprocess']=self.preprocess return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(Invitation,i): """ Creates an Invitation object from a dictionary that contains keys values equivalent to the name of the instance variables of the Invitation class :param i: Dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the keys values are equivalent to the name of the instance variables in the Invitation class :type i: dict :return: Invitation whose instance variables contain the values from the dictionary :rtype: Invitation """ invitation = Invitation(i['id'], super = i.get('super'), cdate = i.get('cdate'), ddate = i.get('ddate'), tcdate = i.get('tcdate'), tmdate = i.get('tmdate'), duedate = i.get('duedate'), expdate = i.get('expdate'), readers = i.get('readers'), nonreaders = i.get('nonreaders'), writers = i.get('writers'), invitees = i.get('invitees'), noninvitees = i.get('noninvitees'), signatures = i.get('signatures'), multiReply = i.get('multiReply'), taskCompletionCount = i.get('taskCompletionCount'), reply = i.get('reply'), details = i.get('details'), reply_forum_views = i.get('replyForumViews'), responseArchiveDate = i.get('responseArchiveDate'), bulk = i.get('bulk') ) if 'web' in i: invitation.web = i['web'] if 'process' in i: invitation.process = i['process'] if 'transform' in i: invitation.transform = i['transform'] if 'preprocess' in i: invitation.preprocess = i['preprocess'] return invitation
[docs] class Note(object): """ :param invitation: Invitation id :type invitation: str :param readers: List of readers in the Invitation, each reader is a Group id :type readers: list[str] :param writers: List of writers in the Invitation, each writer is a Group id :type writers: list[str] :param signatures: List of signatures in the Invitation, each signature is a Group id :type signatures: list[str] :param content: Content of the Note :type content: dict :param id: Note id :type id: str, optional :param original: If this Note is a blind copy of a Note, then this contains the id of that Note :type original: str, optional :param number: Note number. E.g. when the Note is a paper submission, this value is the paper number :type number: int, optional :param cdate: Creation date :type cdate: int, optional :param pdate: Publication date :type pdate: int, optional :param tcdate: True creation date :type tcdate: int, optional :param tmdate: Modification date :type tmdate: int, optional :param ddate: Deletion date :type ddate: int, optional :param forum: Forum id :type forum: str, optional :param referent: If this Note is used as a ref, this field points to the Profile :type referent: str, optional :param replyto: A Note ID. If provided, returns Notes whose replyto field matches the given ID :type replyto: str, optional :param nonreaders: List of nonreaders in the Invitation, each nonreader is a Group id :type nonreaders: list[str], optional :param details: :type details: dict, optional :param tauthor: True author :type tauthor: str, optional """ def __init__(self, invitation, readers, writers, signatures, content, id=None, original=None, number=None, cdate=None, pdate=None, odate=None, mdate=None, tcdate=None, tmdate=None, ddate=None, forum=None, referent=None, replyto=None, nonreaders=None, details = None, tauthor=None): = id self.original = original self.number = number self.cdate = cdate self.pdate = pdate self.odate = odate self.mdate = mdate self.tcdate = tcdate self.tmdate = tmdate self.ddate = ddate self.content = content = forum self.referent = referent self.invitation = invitation self.replyto = replyto self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = [] if nonreaders is None else nonreaders self.signatures = signatures self.writers = writers self.number = number self.details = details if tauthor: self.tauthor = tauthor def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Note(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self))
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts Note instance to a dictionary. The instance variable names are the keys and their values the values of the dictinary. :return: Dictionary containing all the parameters of a Note instance :rtype: dict """ body = { 'id':, 'original': self.original, 'cdate': self.cdate, 'pdate': self.pdate, 'odate': self.odate, 'mdate': self.mdate, 'tcdate': self.tcdate, 'tmdate': self.tmdate, 'ddate': self.ddate, 'number': self.number, 'content': self.content, 'forum':, 'referent': self.referent, 'invitation': self.invitation, 'replyto': self.replyto, 'readers': self.readers, 'nonreaders': self.nonreaders, 'signatures': self.signatures, 'writers': self.writers, 'number': self.number } if hasattr(self, 'tauthor'): body['tauthor'] = self.tauthor return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(Note,n): """ Creates a Note object from a dictionary that contains keys values equivalent to the name of the instance variables of the Note class :param n: Dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the keys values are equivalent to the name of the instance variables in the Note class :type n: dict :return: Note whose instance variables contain the values from the dictionary :rtype: Note """ note = Note( id = n.get('id'), original = n.get('original'), number = n.get('number'), pdate = n.get('pdate'), odate = n.get('odate'), cdate = n.get('cdate'), mdate = n.get('mdate'), tcdate = n.get('tcdate'), tmdate =n.get('tmdate'), ddate=n.get('ddate'), content=n.get('content'), forum=n.get('forum'), referent=n.get('referent'), invitation=n.get('invitation'), replyto=n.get('replyto'), readers=n.get('readers'), nonreaders=n.get('nonreaders'), signatures=n.get('signatures'), writers=n.get('writers'), details=n.get('details'), tauthor=n.get('tauthor') ) return note
[docs] class Tag(object): """ :param tag: Content of the tag :type tag: str :param invitation: Invitation id :type invitation: str :param readers: List of readers in the Invitation, each reader is a Group id :type readers: list[str] :param signatures: List of signatures in the Invitation, each signature is a Group id :type signatures: list[str] :param id: Tag id :type id: str, optional :param cdate: Creation date :type cdate: int, optional :param tcdate: True creation date :type tcdate: int, optional :param ddate: Deletion date :type ddate: int, optional :param forum: Forum id :type forum: str, optional :param replyto: Note id :type replyto: list[str], optional :param nonreaders: List of nonreaders in the Invitation, each nonreader is a Group id :type nonreaders: list[str], optional """ def __init__(self, tag, invitation, readers, signatures, id=None, cdate=None, tcdate=None, ddate=None, forum=None, replyto=None, nonreaders=None): = id self.cdate = cdate self.tcdate = tcdate self.ddate = ddate self.tag = tag = forum self.invitation = invitation self.replyto = replyto self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = [] if nonreaders is None else nonreaders self.signatures = signatures
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts Tag instance to a dictionary. The instance variable names are the keys and their values the values of the dictinary. :return: Dictionary containing all the parameters of a Tag instance :rtype: dict """ return { 'id':, 'cdate': self.cdate, 'tcdate': self.tcdate, 'ddate': self.ddate, 'tag': self.tag, 'forum':, 'invitation': self.invitation, 'replyto': self.replyto, 'readers': self.readers, 'nonreaders': self.nonreaders, 'signatures': self.signatures }
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(Tag, t): """ Creates a Tag object from a dictionary that contains keys values equivalent to the name of the instance variables of the Tag class :param n: Dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the keys values are equivalent to the name of the instance variables in the Tag class :type n: dict :return: Tag whose instance variables contain the values from the dictionary :rtype: Tag """ tag = Tag( id = t.get('id'), cdate = t.get('cdate'), tcdate = t.get('tcdate'), ddate = t.get('ddate'), tag = t.get('tag'), forum = t.get('forum'), invitation = t.get('invitation'), replyto = t.get('replyto'), readers = t.get('readers'), nonreaders = t.get('nonreaders'), signatures = t.get('signatures'), ) return tag
def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Tag(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self))
class Edge(object): def __init__(self, head, tail, invitation, readers, writers, signatures, id=None, weight=None, label=None, cdate=None, ddate=None, nonreaders=None, tcdate=None, tmdate=None, tddate=None, tauthor=None): = id self.invitation = invitation self.head = head self.tail = tail self.weight = weight self.label = label self.cdate = cdate self.ddate = ddate self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = nonreaders self.writers = writers self.signatures = signatures self.tcdate = tcdate self.tmdate = tmdate self.tddate = tddate self.tauthor = tauthor def to_json(self): ''' Returns serialized json string for a given object ''' body = { 'invitation': self.invitation, 'readers': self.readers, 'writers': self.writers, 'signatures': self.signatures, 'head': self.head, 'tail': self.tail, } if body['id'] = if self.cdate: body['cdate'] = self.cdate if self.ddate: body['ddate'] = self.ddate if self.nonreaders: body['nonreaders'] = self.nonreaders if self.weight is not None: body['weight'] = self.weight if self.label: body['label'] = self.label return body @classmethod def from_json(Edge, e): ''' Returns a deserialized object from a json string :arg t: The json string consisting of a serialized object of type "Edge" ''' edge = Edge( id = e.get('id'), cdate = e.get('cdate'), tcdate = e.get('tcdate'), tmdate = e.get('tmdate'), ddate = e.get('ddate'), tddate = e.get('tddate'), invitation = e.get('invitation'), readers = e.get('readers'), nonreaders = e.get('nonreaders'), writers = e.get('writers'), signatures = e.get('signatures'), head = e.get('head'), tail = e.get('tail'), weight = e.get('weight'), label = e.get('label'), tauthor=e.get('tauthor') ) return edge def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Edge(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self))
[docs] class Profile(object): """ :param id: Profile id :type id: str, optional :param tcdate: True creation date :type tcdate: int, optional :param tmdate: Modification date :type tmdate: int, optional :param referent: If this is a ref, it contains the Profile id that it points to :type referent: str, optional :param packaging: Contains previous versions of this Profile :type packaging: dict, optional :param invitation: Invitation id :type invitation: str, optional :param readers: List of readers in the Invitation, each reader is a Group id :type readers: str, optional :param nonreaders: List of nonreaders in the Invitation, each nonreader is a Group id :type nonreaders: str, optional :param signatures: List of signatures in the Invitation, each signature is a Group id :type signatures: str, optional :param writers: List of writers in the Invitation, each writer is a Group id :type writers: str, optional :param content: Dictionary containing the information of the Profile :type content: dict, optional :param metaContent: Contains information of the entities that have changed the Profile :type metaContent: dict, optional :param active: If true, the Profile is active in OpenReview :type active: bool, optional :param password: If true, the Profile has a password, otherwise, it was automatically created and the person that it belongs to has not set a password yet :type password: bool, optional :param tauthor: True author :type tauthor: str, optional """ def __init__(self, id=None, active=None, password=None, number=None, tcdate=None, tmdate=None, referent=None, packaging=None, invitation=None, readers=None, nonreaders=None, signatures=None, writers=None, content=None, metaContent=None, tauthor=None, state=None): = id self.number = number self.tcdate = tcdate self.tmdate = tmdate self.referent = referent self.packaging = packaging self.invitation = invitation self.readers = readers self.nonreaders = nonreaders self.signatures = signatures self.writers = writers self.content = content self.metaContent = metaContent = active self.password = password if tauthor: self.tauthor = tauthor if state: self.state = state def __repr__(self): content = ','.join([("%s = %r" % (attr, value)) for attr, value in vars(self).items()]) return 'Profile(' + content + ')' def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() return pp.pformat(vars(self)) def get_preferred_name(self, pretty=False): for name in self.content['names']: if 'username' in name and name.get('preferred', False): username=name['username'] if pretty: return tools.pretty_id(username) return username def get_preferred_email(self): preferred_email=self.content.get('preferredEmail') if preferred_email: return preferred_email if self.content['emailsConfirmed']: return self.content['emailsConfirmed'][0] if self.content['emails']: return self.content['emails'][0] return None
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts Profile instance to a dictionary. The instance variable names are the keys and their values the values of the dictinary. :return: Dictionary containing all the parameters of a Profile instance :rtype: dict """ body = { 'invitation': self.invitation, 'signatures': self.signatures, 'content': self.content, 'metaContent': self.metaContent } if body['id'] = if self.referent: body['referent'] = self.referent if self.packaging: body['packaging'] = self.packaging if self.tcdate: body['tcdate'] = self.tcdate if self.tmdate: body['tmdate'] = self.tmdate if hasattr(self, 'tauthor'): body['tauthor'] = self.tauthor if body['active'] = if self.password: body['password'] = self.password if self.readers: body['readers'] = self.readers if self.nonreaders: body['nonreaders'] = self.nonreaders if self.writers: body['writers'] = self.writers return body
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(Profile,n): """ Creates a Profile object from a dictionary that contains keys values equivalent to the name of the instance variables of the Profile class :param i: Dictionary containing key-value pairs, where the keys values are equivalent to the name of the instance variables in the Profile class :type i: dict :return: Profile whose instance variables contain the values from the dictionary :rtype: Profile """ profile = Profile( id = n.get('id'), active = n.get('active'), password = n.get('password'), number = n.get('number'), tcdate = n.get('tcdate'), tmdate=n.get('tmdate'), referent=n.get('referent'), packaging=n.get('packaging'), invitation=n.get('invitation'), readers=n.get('readers'), nonreaders=n.get('nonreaders'), signatures=n.get('signatures'), writers=n.get('writers'), content=n.get('content'), metaContent=n.get('metaContent'), tauthor=n.get('tauthor'), state=n.get('state') ) return profile